Friday, August 9, 2013

Making a wood burning oven "The welding"

First I got one of these. A 37 inch tank head. Not as expensive as you might think

Sheared som parts like this

Tacked them to make an entry like this

Then marked the entry and fit it to the dome

Next I marked the dome and cut the doorway

Welded it up

Added lips for the inner and outer doors (more on those later)

Tacked the chimney together and I was pretty much done for the day

Next time we lay the hearth


  1. Great idea! Where did you get the tank head and how much was it? I was trying to find a propane tank to cut but having trouble finding one in my area.

    1. Here is the contact info for the company that provided my tank head. Mine was a 37" diameter hemispherical (or just hemi) with a 3/16" (.187) wall thickness. The price at the time was ~$160 but that may have changed. The head actually shipped from Youngstown OH. Roger Zorn was the sales guy that worked with me and he was very nice. I was expecting a less gracious reception as a one time customer that needed one piece, but they were just fine with it. FYI, When it comes to cutting and welding these things it would be worth your time to tack a piece of strap or rod across the edge of the dome while you cut and weld the tunnel into place. The dome didn't move very much at all when I cut it but if I had it to do over I would have tacked a brace there first.

      Roger Zorn
      Commercial Metal Forming
      Saginaw, TX 76179
      Ph: 800-433-7040, ext 250
      Fax: 817-232-0213
